Frosh week is ova.
As much fun as it is to see months of work come to realization, my 42 year old body, and mind, is happy that it was successful, happy that new events created led to an exciting and unique week, but am also happy that it is over.
For anyone that works in my type of business, University, College, or Students' Union, they know what i am talking about, and they get it.
Especially now in the age we are in with social media, liability, risk assessment there are so many more details that need ( and should) be accounted for. To make it through the planning, is tough, to make it through 7 days of orientation week, with most days being multi-event, multi-location days, with many different services on an off campus being utilized it is incredibly difficult to pull it off and harder to do it really well. In my opinion we did provide one kick ass week of welcome and welcome back.
This is not a poor me blather, I am just trying to create some understanding for those that see the occasional picture i post, that behind the fun, there is an incredible amount of work that goes on.
So sometime H.A.L.T comes out.
For those of you that have been through leadership training with Peake Experiences you know H.A.L.T.
H.A.L.T stands for Hungry, Angry, Lonely and Tired.
When you are in a leadership position, and the pressure is on, you are probably going to experience any one or sometimes all of H.A.L.T.
When you are experiencing any or all of the H.A.L.T you are going to slip into behaviours that are not that fun to work with, people can get power based, or competitive, or passive aggressive, or flakey, or any other ineffective style they may have.
I def had a few moments during the week where I was going through some of that. I dont know how you can help having that happen at time. My slipping into it always starts the same way.
For me the first thing to go is my gym/pool time. When my exercise goes, the diet follows shortly behind. I start to convince myself its okay to eat shitty because im not working out anyway, and i must be burning alot of calories because I am working long physical hours.
Once the physical activity, and diet go, then goes sleep.
My brain can keep me awake with the most strange things, and not eating properly and no exercising compound that.
I start thinking about the event, what we could have done better, what we should do next year, what about tomorrow, who is doing what, will i get to see my family at all, I havent seen them in days, am I failing as a father, who should i vote for, is that a spider or are my eyes just playing tricks on me, i have to call mom tomorrow, havent spoken with her since last Friday, that has to be a spider, i think it moved, and so on and so on.
Before I know it, its time to get up and start another day.
So that for 7+ days it is easy to slip into negative behaviour.
Aside from stepping away from orientation week, which i dont think i could ever do, I struggle with how to manage H.A.L.T type things in that pressure cooker.
So I am happy to be getting back to my regular schedule this week so I can go back to K.A.T.N ( kicking ass and taking names). hehe
Now while I did not get the required workouts in, I am saying eff it this week. I have been saving up for a scotch for a pay or so and after the last of my to-do list was completed on Saturday, it was time for a treat.
So please welcome, one of the scotches in my top 3 all time scotches: Dalwhinnie 15yr old Single Malt. I first tried Dalwhinnie in my bartender days in Halifax and fell in love then. It was like bumping into an old friend that i had not seen in a while when I bought it the other day.
Dalwhinnie is like drinking golden caramel in a glass. It has a very crisp, clean taste, has some great aromas on the nose of honey and caramel and a very slight smoke and spice taste on the tongue. Some seriously good stuff.
I paired this with a CAO Brazillian box press cigar. This is not a beginner cigar. It has a very bold flavor. It has around a $13 price point which is great, holds a great ash, and lit very easily. If you want a cigar that you can relax with, this is your huckleberry.
It paired amazingly well with the Dalwhinnie, I am glad that i bought a second one, so that i can try this combo again.
Even though there was a little drizzle out on the deck, it was so nice to finally sit, reflect on the week, and enjoy a sniff of scotch and a cigar in the company of my wife and former sweetheart and one of our pooches.
It is also sad, because the weather is starting to turn, the sun is going away earlier and earlier and soon it will be time to take down the pool for another year.
This of course will not stop #cigarSunday, but still sad to see the end of summer for another year, it seems to get faster and faster just when you want it to slow down and enjoy it a little longer.
* Sigh*
Next week, back at 'er though.
Lastly, shirts were finally mailed to a few of you that jumped at them, make sure you let me know when you get them so I can give you a shout out for taking on the free shirt challenge.
Sean "BigBoyRunning" Ryan
As much fun as it is to see months of work come to realization, my 42 year old body, and mind, is happy that it was successful, happy that new events created led to an exciting and unique week, but am also happy that it is over.
For anyone that works in my type of business, University, College, or Students' Union, they know what i am talking about, and they get it.
Especially now in the age we are in with social media, liability, risk assessment there are so many more details that need ( and should) be accounted for. To make it through the planning, is tough, to make it through 7 days of orientation week, with most days being multi-event, multi-location days, with many different services on an off campus being utilized it is incredibly difficult to pull it off and harder to do it really well. In my opinion we did provide one kick ass week of welcome and welcome back.
This is not a poor me blather, I am just trying to create some understanding for those that see the occasional picture i post, that behind the fun, there is an incredible amount of work that goes on.
So sometime H.A.L.T comes out.
For those of you that have been through leadership training with Peake Experiences you know H.A.L.T.
H.A.L.T stands for Hungry, Angry, Lonely and Tired.
When you are in a leadership position, and the pressure is on, you are probably going to experience any one or sometimes all of H.A.L.T.
When you are experiencing any or all of the H.A.L.T you are going to slip into behaviours that are not that fun to work with, people can get power based, or competitive, or passive aggressive, or flakey, or any other ineffective style they may have.
I def had a few moments during the week where I was going through some of that. I dont know how you can help having that happen at time. My slipping into it always starts the same way.
For me the first thing to go is my gym/pool time. When my exercise goes, the diet follows shortly behind. I start to convince myself its okay to eat shitty because im not working out anyway, and i must be burning alot of calories because I am working long physical hours.
Once the physical activity, and diet go, then goes sleep.
My brain can keep me awake with the most strange things, and not eating properly and no exercising compound that.
I start thinking about the event, what we could have done better, what we should do next year, what about tomorrow, who is doing what, will i get to see my family at all, I havent seen them in days, am I failing as a father, who should i vote for, is that a spider or are my eyes just playing tricks on me, i have to call mom tomorrow, havent spoken with her since last Friday, that has to be a spider, i think it moved, and so on and so on.
Before I know it, its time to get up and start another day.
So that for 7+ days it is easy to slip into negative behaviour.
Aside from stepping away from orientation week, which i dont think i could ever do, I struggle with how to manage H.A.L.T type things in that pressure cooker.
So I am happy to be getting back to my regular schedule this week so I can go back to K.A.T.N ( kicking ass and taking names). hehe
Now while I did not get the required workouts in, I am saying eff it this week. I have been saving up for a scotch for a pay or so and after the last of my to-do list was completed on Saturday, it was time for a treat.
So please welcome, one of the scotches in my top 3 all time scotches: Dalwhinnie 15yr old Single Malt. I first tried Dalwhinnie in my bartender days in Halifax and fell in love then. It was like bumping into an old friend that i had not seen in a while when I bought it the other day.
Dalwhinnie is like drinking golden caramel in a glass. It has a very crisp, clean taste, has some great aromas on the nose of honey and caramel and a very slight smoke and spice taste on the tongue. Some seriously good stuff.
I paired this with a CAO Brazillian box press cigar. This is not a beginner cigar. It has a very bold flavor. It has around a $13 price point which is great, holds a great ash, and lit very easily. If you want a cigar that you can relax with, this is your huckleberry.
It paired amazingly well with the Dalwhinnie, I am glad that i bought a second one, so that i can try this combo again.
Even though there was a little drizzle out on the deck, it was so nice to finally sit, reflect on the week, and enjoy a sniff of scotch and a cigar in the company of my wife and former sweetheart and one of our pooches.
It is also sad, because the weather is starting to turn, the sun is going away earlier and earlier and soon it will be time to take down the pool for another year.
This of course will not stop #cigarSunday, but still sad to see the end of summer for another year, it seems to get faster and faster just when you want it to slow down and enjoy it a little longer.
* Sigh*
Next week, back at 'er though.
Lastly, shirts were finally mailed to a few of you that jumped at them, make sure you let me know when you get them so I can give you a shout out for taking on the free shirt challenge.
Sean "BigBoyRunning" Ryan